Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We now have embryos

Things are happening - from the 13 eggs that were strong enough, they fertilised each of them with a single sperm and from that they have now created 9 embryos! That is a great result.

Apparently it is quite normal to lose a few along the way, so by then end of the week we will more than likely have less than 9, but hopefully not too many drop off. The more embryos that grow nice and strong, the more chances my couple have of falling pregnant. So come on embies, you can do it. Form those cells and show us how clever you are xx


  1. <3 Reading your blog makes my heart so warm. I feel blessed to know someone as selfless as you Lisa xoxox

  2. Oh goodness Cat, now you're gonna make me cry!! What a lovely thing to say. Sending big cuddles xxx

  3. Yay great results so far Lisa. Still keeping my fingers crossed :)
