Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 13 blood test results

It seems everything is going great guns. My levels are up at 4000 now which is right on target, and egg pick-up is pretty much all set for Monday.

One more set of bloods and another scan on Friday morning, and until then I remain on my high dose of 400 of Puregon plus the Orgalutran. Tomorrow is my first day of giving myself a very small dose of Pregnyl which I am quite confident in now.

Only 4 more days of injections to go!!!


  1. You are doing so well!!! I will be following in your footsteps late this has been so informative reading your I know what I am up against!!

  2. You are doing wonderfully. Your body sounds like i is growing some amazing eggs there. How are you coping with work with all these tests and scans in terms of your work schedule?

  3. Oh wow, Louise, good luck! And please feel free to ask me any questions you have.

    Chelle, the appointments are all between 7.30 & 8.30am, so I get it all done before the work day even starts. It's working out really well actually, I'm surprised.
