Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 15

This morning was my very last ultrasound and the follicles are looking good! The nurse counted 10, most were a great size with a few immature ones, and she said to tell my recipient that I'm looking fantastic. So pleased :)

She made sure I had enough drugs to get me through to Saturday night, when I have the trigger injection. That injection is the one that makes my body release all the eggs. We are so close now!!

Only 2 more nights of injections and then that is the end of the road for me, there will be nothing more that I can do. I truly am surprised at how quickly it has gone. The very first night I thought that 2 weeks of injecting would be really hard, but seriously, it only feels like a few nights ago and already I am at the tail end. It's quite hard to wrap my head around actually.


  1. Well done Lisa. I too want to do this and really did not think it only went for 2 weeks, I think I was visualising months of injections etc.
    I am so proud of you as well as I thank you for your detailed posts because it helps me to know what to prepare for.

  2. Well done Lisa! Ten follies, you must be feeling a little bloated at the moment. Do you know when EPU will be?

  3. Well Lucy, best of luck and I actually thought the same as you did, but it is only roughly 2 weeks of injections (from day 2 of your cycle til ovulation) and seriously, it has flown by for me!

    Emma, yes I am a little bit bloated but nothing I can't handle. Egg pick up will be monday morning which is very exciting :)
