Tuesday, November 23, 2010


This morning was my first big step into the start of my cycle. I went to the clinic in Maroubra and met the beautiful nurse who is going to look after me during my time there. She was so lovely, so helpful, and a pleasure to deal with. The first thing she did was take me through what was going to happen during our time together, and then she started talking about the injections - eek! I am feeling quite aprehensive about giving myself injections, but I know it's only 2 weeks at most so I can do it!

She gave me a practice run on a little rectangle pouch that was skin coloured - that was all it had in common with skin though. When I pushed the needle in it made me squirm, but I was assured that putting into my fat will be much easier and won't require so much of a shove.

After my practice run she went and got all my drugs, popped them into a cooler bag and we (Ruby came along as my support team) were on our way.

So now I have lots of info on these drugs to read, a few forms to sign, and my next step is to stop taking the contraceptive pill. That happens in the morning. From there I wait for my periods to arrive and then I have to pluck up the courage to get the first needle out of the fridge and stab myself with it. Fun!


  1. Injections are daunting, but they aren't anywhere near as hard as first thought.

    Pop a 20 cent coin in the fridge and hold it against the skin for a minute or two before your injection. It will help numb the area a bit.

    I always found putting the needle in slowly and smoothly was way less painful and didn't cause as much bruising as a quick jab.

    Good luck hun :)

  2. Oh Emma, thanks so much for the 20 cent coin trick, I will definitely do that! I'll take all the advice I can get.

    And thanks Cat xx

  3. glad to hear Miss Bee was there for support :)

    good luck with the injections ... think happy thoughts.

    xx d
