Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 1

It is here! Today is Day 1 of my cycle which means that we are really doing this and I am very excited that the day has finally arrived! This journey has been in the works since early September, so really I guess it has moved along at a fairly rapid pace in hindsight, but it has felt like quite a rollercoaster ride to get to this point, and I am happy we are finally here and ready to go.  

I have to start my Puregon injections tomorrow night. That will my stimulate my body to make follicles, so that we can get lots of eggs by the time we get to the egg pick-up. The Puregon injections come in a pen so apparently it's a bit easier to administer.

The needle is very fine and I have already had a practice at injecting it several days ago, so I should be fine, but please all keep your fingers crossed for me and send me plenty of strength so I don't wuss out. Eek!


  1. It looks very similar to the pen you inject insulin with. You will be fine Lisa x

  2. You gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous girl!! If you can have a lil bubba pulled out through your stomach with no anastethic you can do ANYTHING!!! I'll be thinking of you anyway!! love you!

  3. Good luck, this pen really doesn't hurt, the needle is so fine it just glides in.
    You have all my support and your strength is amazing. oxoxoxox
